poetry of space | place | time


more than a book... a path of enlightenment

$45 may seem like a lot of money for a book.

But the proceeds from its sale enable and support The Poartry Project's donated weekly mentoring work with the children of King Street Center - many from refugee families - in Burlington, Vermont, USA. Through our interactive, highly-personalized weekly Poetry + Storytelling of Nature Walks, our "Storyteller Walkers" grow through the nurturing of their creative self-expression, confidence, imagination, healthful vitalization through interacting with nature, enhanced observation and interpretation skills, mutual listening, playful discovery and adaptability through the unexpected, and collaboration. These walks enable access to experiential personal attention and creative voicing increasingly inaccessible to all but the very privileged through the reduction in public schools of arts programs, unstructured recess time, phys ed and field trips.

As well, the poems in this book are more than poems. They are a path to enlightenment borne of direct experience and spiritual perception that penetrates beyond the world of the senses. Each poem serves as a path of unique perspective and illuminating practice for those on the search for answers to the mysteries of our world and the universals that weave all life and lives together.


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